Sunday, 30 December 2007

Space Captain Smith

"The British Empire has always had a fine stock of heroic gentlemen of daring-do: Quartermain, Bigglesworth, Wooster, Lancelot, and now Smith!"

My good friend Toby Frost has written a book! And by gum its good!

Space Captain Smith of the Great British Empire and his intrepid bad of misfits and weirdos set out across the galaxy battling aliens and villainous foreigners and hoping to be home in time for tea and tiffin!

It's due for publication in May and you can pre-order it from Amazon now, you can visit the Space Captain Smith webpage, and you can even join the Facebook group!
"If Alain Quartermain and James Bigglesworth had a heavy evening on the hookah sooner or later one of them would tell this tale and claim it as his own!"

Free Papers (a rant)

Never has there a better example of getting what you pay for than the free papers that currently plague the streets of London! Free yes, worthless definitely!
In fact worthless is too good a word for them... they are far worse than that!
It's a wonderful thing that currently we (generally) are worrying about environmental issues (and it's about time we did) so it annoys me greatly to find paper being used so frivolously only to be binned in their millions. I know it easy to think "it doesn't matter because my newspaper will get recycled" but that logic only works if recycling was a 100% efficient and used no energy in the process! As it is your "guilt free" recycling of this daily news uses a tonne of energy and paper - resources which we should by now have realised are not infinite!
I understand the commuter's need for something light to read, but should that really be encouraged? It's seems to be yet another example of the dumbing down of our nation (and possibly world), appealing to our lazier instincts. If these free papers didn't exist perhaps (and I'm not naive enough to believe this is guaranteed) people might read a book, perhaps even talk to each other, and hopefully if nothing else be discerning in which newspaper they read because they are paying for it!
I have tried to read them (I'm not proud, I forgot my book) and I couldn't find anything in them, I barely managed 5 minutes of idle flicking before I had to abandon all hope! If someone tried to charge you money for one of these pieces of garbage you would laugh in their face as it is hundreds of men and women in matching t-shirts and caps hit the streets and forcefully distribute these non-entities they get lapped-up!
So London, please stop picking these up, carry a book with you, buy a newspaper, talk to someone, anything! Just stop being so lazy! I'm sure you're smart enough to realise how badly written and how pointless the content is.

Saturday, 29 December 2007


Seemingly the internet is not full enough of useless junk apparently we want to hear one another's thoughts and views on daily life. These days you're not anybody if you don't have a blog! Well I should think I'm as tedious as the next person so I've make myself a little blog too! I imagine it'll be blog-lite because its not often I can be bothered to write things down, I find life is far too short and generally if you going to discuss or rant about something it's more fun to do it with someone else! Here then is my little world as I see it!

It's highly likely that if you're reading this that you know exactly who I am, but knowing more couldn't be bad!

  • Je m'appelle Owen.
  • I'd love to be able to call myself a graphic designer, sometimes I do.
  • I'm passionate about films, by some fluke I work in or at least (figuratively) next door and (literally) upstairs from film!
  • I find life funny, humour is an essential part of who I am and varies between the more highbrow comedy (Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is one of my favourite films) to the possitively childish (Dumb and Dumber being another fav)!
  • I often start lists and then realise I don't have enough to put on them
  • Usually I put some pointless items before giving up and returning later when I've thought of more!