This is just a little account of a very entertaining day I spent wandering around London in late July, it was entertaining enough to write about at the time so I figure I might as well put it here too!
Been to the fĂȘte at the V&A, which was distressingly like every other village fĂȘte I've ever been to but supposedly with a sense of irony. I didn't spend long there but instead looked round the rest of the museum, I had forgotten how cool it was - some pictures. I found out what a tabernacle is, I hadn't realised that it was a gap in my knowledge!
I then walked to Hyde Park past Knightsbridge (navigating by the sun!) I found a bench to sit on by a fountain, the tranquility of which was slightly marred by the heavy throb of London traffic and someone playing music through their phone. I had to move on before long, shortly after being investigated by a small rodent, maybe its his bench!
From Hyde Park I went through Green Park and St James's briefly chasing a Zeppelin, from there I continued past Downing Street and crossed the river by Westminster Bridge and wandered down the Southbank past the Aquarium, London Eye, and eventually stopped to watch the skateboarders and BMX riders - more pics. I bought myself a well earned beer and sat by Thames reading my book and chilling out.
I then met up with a couple of good friends for another drink and eventually we ended up outside a pub in Soho for another friend's birthday celebration.
It's days like this that make you realise just how excellent London is!
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