Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Land, Sea and Air

Went to Caversham Wildlife Park yesterday and Rottness island today so I've seen lots of flora and forna! I've stroked koalas, kangaroos, and a wombat - all very soft, softer than expected. Also seen were kookaburras, owls, spotted quolls, tasmanian devils, minks, and tonnes of other beasties!
Today the weather was gorgeous for our trip to Rottness Island - which is a small island with virtually nothing and no one on it, perfect for beaches and snorkeling. Huge numbers of fishies to be seen along with amazing coral - most excitingly we saw a lobster and a stingray!
And, of course, as always there were parrots flying around pretending to be normal birds!


Andy Smith-Thomas said...

Your adoring public demands photographic evidence!

Sunburnt Tiger said...

My public, adoring or otherwise, will have to wait until I have sufficient computer access/time to upload photos!