I have things queued up that I want to write about but I feel they deserve time, care and attention. 3 things I'm short of these days. This has meant I have put off all other posts and writing, some what illogical perhaps, but I am so that's ok.
Most notable things I've not and am not writing about but plan to when I find the time and correct state of mind are: getting married, moving home, and most recently finding out that I'm going to be a father. It's been an eventful year to say the least - ticking off a big three. My wedding was amazing and probably deserves about 7 blog posts so is somewhat intimidating as a topic to do justice to. Likewise the news that I'm going to have a child is rather monumental and as such difficult to get my head around let alone write my thoughts down.
Thanks to the timing of the pregnancy my wife was too unwell/tired to help with the house move very much, and has had to bow out of the redecorating due to trying to avoid paint fumes during pregnancy (much as Gemma has wanted to help). Unfortunately the house was in a much worse state that we had anticipated having been ruined by the previous owners and left in a poor state, it's hard to believe it's only 8 years old. So there's been lot of work to do and it's all been me which has been a bit hard, working during the day and painting and such like during the evenings. On the plus side that means that I get to feel pretty proud of what I've achieved, currently however that has manifested in just feeling rubbish about the state of the rest of the house. (My negativity and general state of mind is another blog that needs some thought).
At this point I have painted 3.5 rooms (0.5 for the inside of a walk in wardrobe) and have 2 rooms to go (ignoring the things we're putting off for a bit). It doesn't sound a lot but each room has needed completely emptying, before the removal of mirrors/screws/nails/ wallpaper/general dirt and grim, polyfilla-ing, sanding, painting of skirting, masking, painting of ceiling, masking, and several coats of paint on the walls, before finally recarpeting and getting/building new furniture and moving things back in. It has been expensive in terms of time and money, we're still in boxes some of which I've moved dozens of times. But the rooms I've done look good and I feel I'm building a home.
So at the moment I'm tired, I'm doing enough to be tired, I'm doing enough to be sleeping well, I'm not though.
I don't know why I'm not sleeping well, it also means I'm not being awake well. I'm sure I'm in line for a series of "It'll only get worse once the baby arrives!" but at least then I'd feel like I had a reason. I suppose it could related to my current inability to breathe properly, thank you sinuses/allergies/hayfever or whatever! Being tired I'm eating poorly or at least eating a lot - so all the hard work I put in for the wedding has been totally undone, so I'm overweight again which doesn't help me feel good about things. Decorating the room I've just started seems like quite a drag right now.
However at the same time as all of that we are think of names for the baby which is thoroughly awesome, so it's swings and roundabouts, and definitely on the up-swing!
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